Affiliated to the Southern Federation of Model Engineering Societies
Do I need to be an engineer?
No, members come from many different trades and backgrounds. Non engineers have built and run their own projects, some build their engines from kits such as those supplied by Polly Models or Steam Traction World to name but two companies.
Do I need to own an engine?
No, a number of members do not own their own engines.
Do I need to build my own?
No, quite a few members have bought engines to run on the club tracks. Not everyone has the time, skills, equipment or the inclination to build their own.
Do I need to build anything?
Only if you want to, however, the club is a good resource for information and advice for those who do want to have a go. The Club also has a small workshop and equipment for use by the membership (once deemed competent to use it).
Does it have to be steam?
No, model engineering is a very broad subject. Members build steam and electric locomotives, tram engines, traction engines, lorries, clocks, stationary engines, hot air engines, tooling etc. etc.
Please note that the club does not have facilities for model aircraft flying and boating.
Does the Society carry out boiler testing for members?
Yes, the Society has a number of boiler inspectors who examine, test and certificate model steam boilers upto 500 bar litre capacity to the Federation of Model Engineers Boiler Test Code 2018.
How do I join?
Just click the link secretary@hdmes.co.uk and send us an email with your name and contact details. Someone will contact you and supply you with further information.